What Motivates me
What really happen to the Elliott men's, James, Leroy, Robert, and Henry, that cause a end to a legacy and lost of life, wealth and status?
I (author) needs to find out what happen to my father Leroy Elliott body..
Harnett county listed on Leroy Elliott death certificate the date of death, December 21, 1987. What I do know is that 3 of Leroy Elliott children went to court and had him declared mentally incompetent in April of 1987 and the youngest heir became his guardian. I was told that Leroy Elliott was dead in April of 1987, so what happen to his body?
Healing old wounds
by having 1974 Ex-Parte-Petition overturn
What will help heal all wounds is to have the 1974 Ex-Parte-Petition overturn. You can open this case, by having the death of James, Robert, Leroy, and Henry investigated by the military. There is no statue of limitation for murder in the state of North Carolina.
If the 1974 Ex-Part-Petition is overturn, then the map book19, page 65, 66 that was used by others to take away from Elliott's, land and houses will be consider illegal, and Harnett county will be required to give the Elliott's land and houses back to them accordingly to the 1966 Ex-Parte-Partition.
Legal Advice
Rules and Regulations Violated
The 1974 Ex Parte Petition was not signed by all the heir's and there is no evident that James Roger Elliott heir's knew about the unofficial paperwork. The 1974 Ex-Parte Petition can be overturn, because everyone did not sign the paperwork. You can open the case by having the death of all 4 men's investigated. How?
Ask President Joe Biden (Commander in Chief )to investigate the death of all four men. You can do the same thing the Elliott's heirs did in 1966 and have a petition signed by all of the Elliott heirs and given to Commander in Chief, Joe Biden to investigate the untimely death of the Elliott men.
of all 4 military men
It is very important that the Elliott's accomplishment be remember. What the Elliott's men started in building affordable Housing for there heir's in 1986, 20 years later after losing and winning back lot 8 and lot 3 temporary on nutgrass rd., should be an inspiration to everyone. Elliott men's accomplishment let everyone know that when a system don't work for you. You can always empower yourself by having everyone work together to accomplish a needed goal.
The Elliott's used Janie H. Elliott deed as collateral for loans, to build wealth and affordable housing for there heir's.
The Elliott men treated themselves like they matter.
What makes me(author) feel warm to my heart when I think about the Elliott's
"If you were an Elliott's then you were somebody" Please don't let the sacrifice of the Elliott's men life be totally in vain. Fight! Fight ! Fight for your land, houses and wealth that was illegally taken away from you.
How do you open the Elliott's case? You have to petition President, Joe BIden, the commander in chief to investigated the untimely death of the Elliott men. Leroy Elliott heir's is the easiest case to prove murder. How ? all three Elliott's heirs went to court and had him declare incompetent, base on the fact that he was a dunk and was totally blinded. Leroy Elliott went missing the same month, in April of the same year(1987) . The motive was to take away the wealth of Leroy Elliott. Leroy Elliott was the 7 Elliott's men leader and held their accounts for lot 3 on Nutgrass rd.(Book 7, page 20) and the surrounding area.
You Matter
Black Lives Matter
Be proactive
We need to become more Proactive, take a page from the Elliott. Community Church's you have always been consider the pillow of the community. We need you to come together and assess what the community needs and borrow the money and start building your community.
For example, the community may need a recreation center, with a swimming area. Community Churches you can get together and borrow the money and help build the community by building the recreation area. The money that is raised from the recreation area can be used to paid off the loan.
People in your area may be losing their land, and cannot afford a lawyer and the state legal aid, won't help them. The average cost for a lawyer in North Carolina is $45,000 a year. The state hires mostly new graduate to tend to low income people who cannot afford a lawyer. You the church's can do the same thing, by hiring new graduate to serve in your community.
You have to treat yourself like you matter, before you can expect others to treat you like you matter.
James Roger Elliott heirs hold your head up high, stand tall and be proud. We are the descendant of Henry Elliott and James Roger Elliott.