History of the Elliott's
Urban Development
In 1900's, Roger Elliott sr. lived in a rented house on Stewart creek drive, in Raeford N.C. He owned his own account and worked as an indentured servant. In 1925, Roger Elliott started migrating to other areas in Harnett County,.
One area that Roger Elliott sr. migrate to was name Asheboro(Dunn N.C). Dunn N.C. is where Roger Elliott raised his family in a $2,500 house, accordingly to 1940 census report.
In 1925, Roger Elliott sr. bought 53 acres of land for 530.00, as an indenture servant in Linden N.C. Roger Elliott sr. and wife(Janie H. Elliott) also bought in 1943, 60 acres of land in Bunnlevel N.C for 1,250.00.
Roger Elliott sr. was given by his father(Henry Elliott), 25 acres of land located at the intersection of walker rd. and wire rd. as a gift. Roger Elliott sr. gave his wife in 1930 the 53 acres of land located in Linden N.C plus the 25 acres of land on walker rd. The 78 acre land deed was solely given to his wife(Janie Elliott) to be used as collateral for heirs to build houses in their community.
Remembering the men
who serve their country and others
Sadly, because of the untimely demise of their leaders(Leroy and Robert Elliott) in 1987, the Elliott's men goal was never completely accomplish. I delicate Elliott Urban Development in remembrance of Henry, Robert, Willie, Leroy, James and Lillian. Please help keep up the tradition of the Elliott's by remembering these men.
Help Build the Community
It is very hard to get a loan for affordable housing in the rural area. The poor and very poor are living paycheck to paycheck. If you make the minimum wage of 8-12 dollars an hour, not enough to save 10%-20% closing cost for a building loan. The poor and very poor don’t make enough discretionary monthly income to save the 10%-20% closing cost for a building loan. You often have to pay for a sewage tank and a water well in some areas that the builder may not include in the total package price. The USDA loan are the only building loan that gives 100% ,but are hard for minorities to get. I was denied an USDA loan, because of credit score used in an adverse decision. You can have a zero score and get this loan.